KEGG pathway analysis of T.Gondii interactome genes common to those implicated in multiple sclerosis.


Pathway Search Result

Following object(s) was/were not found hsa:ANKRD55 hsa:APOC2 hsa:CDC37 hsa:DDAH1 hsa:ERAP1 hsa:FAM164A hsa:GPC5 hsa:GRN hsa:IGH@ hsa:IL1RN hsa:LAG3 hsa:METTL1 hsa:MMP12 hsa:MPHOSPH9 hsa:PSORS1C1 hsa:PTPN2 hsa:RGS1 hsa:SLC25A36 hsa:SYN3 hsa:TAC1 hsa:TRB@ hsa:TRD@ hsa:UCP2 hsa:WDYHV1 hsa:ZIC1 hsa:ZNF532

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