During its life cycle Herpes simplex (HSV-1) interacts with a number of host proteins and alters the expression of multiple messenger RNAs: This page links to a number of pages relevant to this host pathogen interactome .

Within this interactome there are numerous susceptibility genes for various diseases ( see index for the susceptibility gene dataset for each disease) . KEGG pathways were reanalysed for each overlapping dataset (i.e. genes common to the interactome and the disease in question).

There are a large number of human genes in the HSV-1/host interacome (1347) and 26846 genes in the human genome (at the time of writing): Any other dataset would be expected to contain 1347/26846 interactome genes (~ 5.1%). Similarly, for N susceptibility genes, N/26846 would be expected to appear in the HSV-1 interactome. All of these datasets, with the exception of ADHD were significantly enriched in HSV-1 related genes.

KEGG pathways for the susceptibility genes common to the HSV-1 interactome in :-

  1. ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:
  2. Autism:
  3. Alzheimer's disease
  4. Bipolar disorder
  5. Depression:
  6. Schizophrenia:
  7. Multiple sclerosis:
  8. Parkinson's disease
  9. Anorexia
  10. Childhood obesity:
  11. Chronic fatigue:

The pathways above consist of host genes common to the HSV-1/host interactome and the susceptibility gene datasets for each disease.

From Susceptibility genes are enriched in those of the herpes simplex (HSV-1) / host interactome in psychiatric and neurological disorders. Pathogens and disease 2013


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